Long Term Care Quality Dashboard
The Florida Health Care Association is committed to accurately and transparently sharing data about the quality care being delivered in Florida's nursing centers. As the state's largest long term care association representing over 80% of Florida's nursing centers, FHCA provides information, resources, and support to our members to help Florida remain a leader in ensuring the safety, well-being, and high quality care for Florida's seniors and people with disabilities who are entrusted to their care.
Nursing Centers in Florida0+
Floridians served0%
Nursing Center Occupancy0
Percentage of Nursing Centers with Quality Recognitions0
Percentage of Nursing Centers with a CMS 4 or 5 Star QM RatingResident Care and Safety Measures
Percentage of long stay residents needing assistance more with activities of daily living
The activities of daily living (ADLs) is a term used to collectively describe fundamental "late-loss" skills required to care for oneself, such as eating, bed mobility, toileting, and transferring. Measurement of an individual's ADLs is an important predictor of an individual's appropriate care support. Enhanced resident care and management can help maintain residents' current levels of need for assistance with ADLs and reduce the rate of decline. This may lower risk of falls and rehospitalizations and provide a greater quality of life.
Percentage of long stay residents with urinary tract infections
By promoting good hygiene and hydration among residents, care centers can help to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) among residents and improve their well-being and quality of life. Lowering the percentage of UTIs can also help residents avoid emergency admissions to hospitals.
Percentage of high-risk, long stay residents suffering falls with major injury
Fall-reduction activities, including assessments, interventions, and education, are important standards for resident safety and programs that reduce their risk of falls. Reducing the incidence of falls can help improve resident function and health outcomes, along with their emotional well-being and quality of life.
Percentage of long-stay residents assessed and receiving antipsychotics
Nursing centers are committed to finding ways to implement practices that enhance the quality of life for people with dementia, including reducing the use of antipsychotic medications. By engaging residents holistically through social and emotional engagement, providers can reduce the use of these medications in residents. This can lead to a reduction in resident falls and/or rehospitalizations, improve resident quality of life, and enhance resident/family satisfaction levels.
Percentage of long stay high-risk residents with pressure ulcers
Reducing the risk, presence or stage of pressure ulcers can help residents avoid pain and distress and increased risk for infection. Prevention methods include repositioning those residents unable to leave their bed, helping residents stand and move, ensuring proper diet and hydration, and using special pressure-relieving mattresses and cushions.
Hospitalizations per 1,000 stays in long stay residents
Unplanned hospital admissions and outpatient observation stays place the long-stay resident at risk for a host of resident-safety issues and disrupts their normal routine, which can cause emotional distress. While not always preventable, care should be taken to deliver appropriate care in the nursing facility using an interdisciplinary approach with the entire care team, including nursing staff, medical directors, therapists and other specialized staff.
Percentage of short-stay residents who were re-hospitalized after a nursing home admission
New admissions or readmissions to a nursing home from a hospital are carefully monitored to prevent the resident's return to the hospital. While not always preventable, providers should work with residents' families, caregivers, and home and community-based partners to ensure that preventable hospitalizations are avoided.
Key Quality Metrics
Nursing Turnover
Nursing Turnover
This measure shows the amount of staff turnover at a facility. Low turnover indicates that facilities generally retain their staff for longer periods of time, which is an indicator of staff satisfaction with the working environment. Lower turnover is preferred because staff who work in facilities for longer periods of time become more familiar with the residents and the facility's operating procedures, which leads to better care outcomes.
Agency Staff Usage
Agency staff are temporary caregivers used by health care facilities to fill positions, such as CNAs, LPNs, and RNs, which are provided by staffing agencies. As workforce pressures increased during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing centers experienced a dramatic increase in the use of agency staff to help meet minimum staffing requirements and resident care needs. Nursing centers are committed to reducing or eliminating agency usage in their staffing models, given that a stable, permanent workforce has a more positive effect on quality care. Permanent employees are better known to residents and their day-to-day care needs, as well as to their staff peers. They also have a stronger understanding of company culture, processes and protocols which can have a positive impact on quality and compliance.
Agency Usage by Quarter
Direct Care Agency Usage by Year
Hours per Day for Resident Nursing Care
Hours per Day for Resident Nursing Care
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services measures staffing in staffing hours per resident per day. This is the total number of hours worked by staff members divided by the total number of residents. Because these numbers are an average, the measure does not necessarily show the number of nursing staff present at any given time or reflect the amount of care given to any one resident.
Five-Star Evaluations
Five-Star Evaluations
The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services star rating is based on a nursing center's performance on three sources: quality measures (QM), staffing, and health inspections. Star ratings range from 1 star to 5 stars, with more stars indicating better performance. The quality star rating measures nursing center performance in certain areas of care (for example, if a resident has received their flu shot, is in pain, or is losing weight) and is calculated from two different types of quality measures: short- and long-stay resident quality measures. The staffing star rating is based on registered nurse hours per day, total nursing hours per day, registered nurse and total nurse staff turnover, and facility administrator turnover. The health inspection star rating is based on the facilities three most recertification surveys, and complaint deficiencies during the most recent three-year period. More recent surveys are weighted higher than older surveys.